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Desde "Recetas Sanas" te ofrecemos una gran variedad de recetas para cualquier ocasión. Las recetas están divididas según el tipo de plato:-Aperitivos.-Primer Plato.-Segundo Plato.-Postres.y....una gran selección de batidos sanos y naturales.Den
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So viele Kochbücher im Regal, so viele leckere und gesunde Rezepte. Doch wie finde ich schnell das perfekte Rezept zum Kochen, Grillen oder Backen, ohne alle Bücher durchzublättern?Deine Lösung: Der Rezept Scout! Er hilft dir mit einer innovative
I samarbejde med den kendte kryddersnapse-entusiast Niels Stærup præsenterer Wacabanga en ny App om kryddersnapse.I App'en, der også er en sanke-App til naturens gaver, finder du 137 forskellige opskrifter på vild flora og krydderurter fra den no
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“易经”是权威性的移动版《易经》,沿袭了易经原本的卜卦方式 本程序汲取了这部最古老典籍的精髓,并融合了移动设备的独特优点。 单个应用程序中囊括了您所期望的所有功能。提问* 输入问题或词组* 摇掷铜钱* 或操纵亚罗* 或手动输入爻* 或使用快捷选项管理日志*
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It's Hearts and Hooves Day, and all of Ponyville is celebrating friendship!But that’s not enough for Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom! They want to help their teacher, Miss Cheerilee, find her very special somepony… whether she wants one o
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«Diccionario RAE descargable» es la aplicación sin conexión a internet oficial de la Real Academia Española (RAE) y la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (ASALE) para consultar la 23.ª edición del «Diccionario de la lengua espa
《my little pony》《小马宝莉:可爱痘》
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《荀子》--- 战国后期儒家学派最重要的著作
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Aneka resep masakan soto dan rawon merupakan aplikasi yang berisi berbagai macam masakan soto dan rawon dari berbagai daerah di indonesia, yang antara lain, soto ayam lamongan, soto bandung, soto banjar, rawon daging dari surabaya, rawon setan yang s
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Бесплатное приложение Appetizer это сервис по подбору сочетаемых продуктов. Благодаря этому приложению, вам станет проще выбирать блюда, ко
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Mehr als 500 Bars aus Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz. Davon sind die 450 besten komplett mit Bewertung und Beschreibung gelistet. Interaktive Map und Bewertungen der Gäste inklusive! Als Gourmetclub-Mitglied oder können S
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Zega is smart restaurant quality stainless steel cookware that does the cooking for you. It has a patented double wall thermal construction similar to a thermos that heats in minutes and safely cooks for hours off the stove.Simply add the ingredients
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The guidelines include vital stats such as OG (original gravity), FG (final gravity), IBU (bitterness), SRM (colour), and ABV readings as well as descriptions for aroma, appearance, flavour, and mouth feel.In Beer Styles all the vital stats have been
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Mit der App für iOS-Geräte bietet Biologisch by Broich Service am mobilen Endgerät mit frischen News und aktuellen Informationen direkt aufs iPhone oder iPad.Im ersten Schritt präsentiert das mobile Informationsangebot schnell und übersichtlich
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Campus life + Bite = Easy and convenient dining options.Bite for Universities is your mealtime companion. Our all-new app features contactless pickup options on your campus. Browse dining options, order and pay with your campus card and earn reward
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La App di Buono a Pranzo ti consente di gestire il servizio mensa offerto da Ci e Di Food srl per i tuoi bimbi.Con la nostra App potrai:- Registrare i bimbi per il servizio mensa- Indicare se non sono presenti a scuola o se è richiesta la preparazio
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Hipster Thanksgiving is a beautiful set of stickers of everything Thanksgiving including delicious pumpkin pie and turkey. This is a set of 50 beautiful stickers! You could build a delicious dinner with your family and friends. Please feel free to us
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Holiday Pizza is a beautiful set of 45 stickers of holiday sliced pizza including stocking, mistletoe and new year pizzas! These stickers are made with just a few ounces of love. Enjoy the deliciously yum yum slice of holiday pizza with your family a
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Dadlı - Yemək reseptləri proqramı Azərbaycan milli mətbəxinə və digər xalqların mətbəxlərinə aid yüzlərlə ləzzətli, dadlı yemək və içki reseptlərini özündə cəmləyir. Proqram internet olmadan da işləyir.Dadlı proqramı
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The cooking companion app for pizza doughs. We include 3 phenomenal but simple recipes.Choose from a recipe and style (from New York to Naples), and then, create a custom interactive recipe for the number of pizzas you'd like to make.All measurements
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Carrot Kitchen is the Kids’ very own cooking buddy, inspiring and guiding 6-13 year old kids to learn to cook at home. Our childproof recipes are designed by top class food education experts to support kids’ wellbeing. 80% of the recipes are nutrit
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From the award-winning ChopChop: The Fun Cooking Magazine for Families, comes a one-of-a-kind cooking app for kids! Learn essential recipes every kid should master, including step-by-step instructions, videos and more. Earn badges for completing each
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◆ Now you can experience these drinks for yourself. The cocktail recipes presented here were gathered from talented bartenders across the country and feature regionally produced spirits, sodas, fruits, herbs, and even tea. Whether you’re imbibing a
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Use the palate of South Africa's most experienced wine judge to select the right wine, for the right occasion, with the right food and at the right price. Now Michael Fridjhon's tasting notes, prepared in a blind tasting environment, are availab
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Learn the easy and mouthwatering mocktails recipes. from this app.A delicious easy to make mocktail and the best thing about it is its 100% healthy and alcohol free.Step-by-step instructions on Mocktail Recipes:3 Ways to Make a Caribbean MocktailHow
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Based on the award-winning Eyeyah! book, this digital magazine is optimised for iPad and aimed at 8-12yrs+. Nine playable scenes are interspersed with animated fun facts — each designed by a professional artist, and built around different learning p
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RestOn — это сервис бесплатного online-бронирования столиков, с помощью которого Вы имеете возможность забронировать столик в лучших заведен